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About Us

Partnering for Healthier Futures

Who We Are

The Carlton-Cook-Lake-St. Louis County Community Health Board (CHB) was established in 1977 under Minnesota’s Local Public Health Act. We unite the efforts of Carlton, Cook, Lake, and St. Louis counties to address the region’s unique health challenges through data-informed, innovative, and collaborative solutions.

Community Health Boards (CHBs) have a legal responsibility under state law to ensure essential functions of local public health. Our Board is made up of nine members: at least one Commissioner from each member county and additional Appointed Citizen Representatives. Three board members are from our largest county, St. Louis. Carlton, Cook, and Lake each have two board members. 

As the legal governing authority for public health in our region, we play a critical role in preventing illness, promoting wellbeing, and protecting the health of individuals and families. Our work is guided by our mission, vision, and a commitment to our values.

Our Mission

We work collaboratively to prevent illness and injury, and to protect and promote the health and wellbeing of individuals, communities, and populations of Carlton-Cook-Lake-St. Louis Counties.

Our Vision

We collaborate on foundational public health capabilities to promote thriving and supportive communities where everyone has the opportunity for health and wellbeing. Strong leadership will use data and outcomes to increase the capacity of public health partnerships to assess for and address prioritized population health issues and inequities.

Our Values






What We Do

The staff of the CCLS CHB work to:

Our History

The Carlton-Cook-Lake-St. Louis Community Health Board (CHB) was founded under a Joint Powers Agreement in response to the 1976 Community Health Services Act, now known as the Local Public Health Act (Minnesota Statute 145A effective 2003). For over four decades, we’ve been dedicated to addressing regional health needs.

Minnesota Statute 145A defines the power and responsibilities of Community Health Boards (CHBs). Many of these responsibilities are delegated to the counties through the joint powers agreement between the CHB and the four counties. In addition, the local counties provide most of the direct client services. 

Strong lines of communication and coordination exist between the CHB, local county public health departments, and the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH). The CHB director works side by side with county public health leaders. Staff at local, regional, and state levels often collaborate. Together, we work to prevent diseases, protect against environmental hazards, promote healthy behaviors and healthy communities, respond to disasters, ensure access to health services, and assure an adequate local public health infrastructure.

Get Involved

Join us in our mission to build healthier communities. Attend our public meetings, explore our programs, and connect with us to learn how you can make a difference.